Artist. Christa Anderson

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Christa Anderson

I’ve always loved art and always wanted to give it a try, but I never did because I couldn’t draw! I was too afraid to try and fail.

That all changed when, on my birthday, my wonderful husband gave me all of the essentials that I would need to be an artist and told me that I COULD be an artist! That I WAS an artist! All I have to do is CREATE! He believed in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. Well, I gave it a shot and I absolutely LOVED it!! And it turns out that it comes pretty natural to me!

I’ve been a home taught artist since the end of 2013 and now I can’t imagine my life without creating art! Art truly has a way of changing the way you’re feeling! It’s amazing! I’m hoping that I can help you see the beauty and hope that’s in the world with my art!